As much as I miss having Boo around, I love back to school – it’s that time of the year when the sun is still just about shining and you’ve got renewed energy (I think that may have something to do with being able to finish a cup of tea without having to microwave it at least twice!). I also find this time of year makes me look at my routine to make sure I’m getting the most and best out of the day.
Some of you may have ben aware that I was diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia shortly after returning from our summer in Spain – talk about holiday blues! So it’s only now, after a seven-week break from the gym that I’m ready to head back to Everyone Active Westcroft. Most people find returning to the gym after a break pretty daunting and whilst I still have a few PT sessions with the lovely Nick left, the wide range of timetabled group exercises available to book on the timetable are perfect for easing myself back in and building back up to my 3-4 exercise sessions per week. From spin (a girls worst, but a bum’s best friend) to boxing – literally the best way to work and punch out a tough week -there is something for everyone and the group environment is great for when you’re struggling to finish the standing climb or set of burpees!Plus the easy online booking facility means that if I’m feeling guilty about *that* biscuit I mindlessly munch then I can easily redeem myself by booking onto a class using the app.
This autumn you can fall into fitness at Everyone Active Westcroft with a £1 joining fee, so there’s no excuses for carving out a few well-needed hours for yourself each week. So whilst it’s may be another week or so until I’m treated to the pain that is the watt bike with Nick, I’m looking forward to getting my sweat on with a couple of classes this week..
Disclosure: I’ve been given complimentary membership and personal training sessions.
I have been to gym on and off since we came back from holiday and am looking forward to T starting preschool so I can go regularly again! x