Boo’s Having It All

It’s the first full week of the new school year and the reality of the routine has well and truly set in. This week marks the first week of all the extracurricular clubs. Somehow Boo’s managed to amass four (not too sure how) and each one is something Boo has taken an interest in. Today was her first after school football coaching session. She greeted me hot and sweaty and most importantly with a smile on her face. I may have committed the cardinal football mum sin of not getting her a football kit – spare PE kit anyone 😉 but as we walked home she explained why a sly tackle isn’t allowed and that she hopes to be able to master a rabona!


I mentioned a few weeks ago on social media that Boo was starting football club and the popular response I got was ‘Oooh never realised Boo was a tomboy, she’s such a girlie girl’ and the like. Boo isn’t a girlie girl or a tomboy she’s a girl; a child with enthusiasm and appetite for life and I can’t understand society’s need to pigeon hole her interests; and her gender shouldn’t define either what she likes or what she can achieve.

Boo is the girl who plays with Barbie while humming the imperial march – she isn’t a contradiction she’s a child and we need to spend less time attempting to justify children’s diversity and curiosity and more time nurturing their individuality.

The only pigeon holing I’m doing this evening is when it comes to cheese – Boo is most definitely no longer a fan of Babybel and only a cheese string will do! Oh and apparently after football Boo feels the need to recline on my bed while watching Aladdin… standard!


Football has joined the ranks of Boo’s extracurricular pursuits and is just another string in the bow of Boo’s quest to have it all.


1 Comment

  1. September 11, 2017 / 20:55

    Oh good for her! My daughter played cricket last term, but she also does ballet. It’s really of no relevance whether sports are predominantly male or predominantly female if they enjoy them.
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