I remember watching the Attenborough wildlife programmes when I was a child and always feeling so sorry for the polar bear mothers: what a lonely existence, out in the frozen wilderness with only their cubs, a relentless task that focused only on survival, with little joy. Fast-forward to single motherhood… View Post

The last Friday before half-term is cake sale day, it’s one of those school traditions that we’ve readily slipped into; the children are given a paper plate at the beginning of the week and asked to return it decorated and full of sweet treats ready to be sold after school.… View Post

It’s been one of those days, Boo’s been home sick from school for the second day – a non descript virus that seem to be endlessly doing the rounds. In between the “Mummy my head hurts, Mummy my ear hurts, Mummy my tummy hurts” and the requests to tickle her… View Post

Forget Valentine’s Day, the most awkward day of the entire year to be single is New Year’s Eve. Let me be more specific, whilst being single on New Year’s Eve is the land of opportunity for meeting someone new; as a single parent it’s the one time of year when… View Post

It’s Boxing Day night and I’m sat here with my glass of Baileys after laying with Boo while she fell asleep and I can honestly say this Christmas has been one of the loveliest and most peaceful and I think I know why… a 48 hour social media hiatus. 48… View Post