Exante Diet: Do Meal Replacement Diets Really Work?

When it comes to diets, you name it and I’m pretty sure I’ve tried it – yet I’ve never chosen a meal replacement plan as if I’m completely honest they looked more like an expensive way to be hungry than a serious route to sensible weight loss. So when Exante Diet got in touch to see if I wanted to try out their Total Solution Diet Plan I was intrigued to see what it was like.

They sent me a surprise box for five days with a real mixture of shakes, soups, bars and powdered meals to give me as much of a taste (pardon the pun!) of what the plan has to offer. I decided to do it from Monday to Friday as I wanted to stay on track as much as possible and as many parents know the weekends are a law unto themselves when it comes to planning meals!

The Total Solution Diet Plan is classed as a very low calorie diet using meal-replacement food packs instead of normal everyday food to lose weight. The food packs provide 100% of your recommended daily allowance so you know that you’re getting all the nutrients you need and regardless of you what your brain is telling you, you do not need that chocolate bar or biscuit come the afternoon.

Exante Diet do offer diet plans that incorporate additional everyday food however seeing as I was only doing the plan for a short period of time I thought it only fair that I give it everything I’ve got. The Total Solutions Diet Plan consists of a combination of three shakes/bars/meals/soups any which way you like limiting you calorie intake to 600kcals.

Exante Diet Meal Replacement Delivery

Day one came and I have to admit I was slightly nervous; what happened if I had my first meal and hated it? What happened if I was ridiculously hungry by 10am?

I started off with scrambled eggs which come in the form of a powdered sachet which you add water to whisk and then cook in a pan, and hey it wasn’t fine dining (that’s probably not helping my waist line!) but once you get your head round you being on diet it tastes surprisingly good. Lunch was a smoothie, which was ridiculously filling – yes I know I sound like a model but it took me nearly 15 minutes to drink it and I didn’t suffer any huger pangs throughout the afternoon. The following days on plan consisted of soups, meal replacements, bars and shakes; some I liked more than others but there was nothing that I couldn’t eat.

Exante Diet very low calorie diet meal replacement

So down to the important part: the weight loss. In five days I managed to lose 5.4lbs and that includes two cheeky mojitos at a press event! I’m really impressed with the weight loss, it’s often hard to see a tangible weight loss in less than a week and it was definitely weight I’d shifted in the five days and not water as it’s drummed into you that you must drink two litres of water each day.

Exante DIet Meal Replacement Soup

Another part of the Exante Diet Plans is that they seem to be one of the most affordable with meals starting at £1 if bought as part of bumper sets which is amazing value – especially when you consider that adding a diet to a family food budget can often be a contributing factor to not continuing.

Of course we all know that nothing beats a sensible balanced diet with at least 150 minutes of cardio exercise a week. Exante Diet is in no way a quick fix it’s about helping you on your healthy weight loss journey and reeducating our eating habits; in my eyes anything that gives you a helping hand in our busy lives is defiantly worth a try.

Disclosure: We were sent Exante Diet Total Solutions Plan for review. No payment was received and all opinions are 100% honest.


1 Comment

  1. May 14, 2015 / 00:40

    I’m always really reluctant to have meal replacement diets but you can’t argue with results such a fab loss!
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