Hair Loss Myths Debunked | AD

Had you asked me seven years ago about my hair I would have confidently said my hair was my crowning glory – I’m known for my long dark hair and it’s one of the Persian traits that I was happy to inherit. Fast forward to the depths of motherhood and my hair is a very different story, I’m lucky that I had ridiculously thick hair pre Boo so the losses that I’ve experienced are undetectable to other people – yet I still know.

Due to me suffering with Hyperemesis Gravidarum when pregnant I never bloomed, in fact my hair, skin and nails had never looked so bad – so you can imagine in the months after Boo was born how upset I was when my hair started to fall out. Boo lost her newborn hair and it was joked that we would be bald together.

After about a year my hair loss did slow down and eventually stop. During this time, I received endless well meaning advice from friends, family and sometimes even complete strangers! If there is one thing I learned during my hair loss is that there are an awful lot of myths: from too much washing of your hair can cause follicle weakness and eventually loss to wearing a hat is responsible for hair loss (although I’m sure that particular myth is meant for men!). Another common myth is that by taking medication it can help reduce post baby hair loss – in fact there is a daily mediation that can be taken, but only for propecia which is most definitely not a hair loss concern for new mothers!


Hair loss just like people comes in all shapes and sizes and ins’t always necessarily a bad thing – what’s important is to be aware of the facts and not get caught up in common hair loss myths. Take it from me, when you wake up to a pillow full of hair, Google is not your friend!

Disclosure: This is a post in collaboration with LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor.


1 Comment

  1. April 20, 2018 / 19:32

    Thank you for clearing our mind about these myths I am surprised that I also believed in few myths before reading your post.