Look Your Luminous Best

Healthy skin is luminous and glowing, so it’s not surprising that everyone wants to achieve a radiant, dewy complexion. However, ageing, stress and environmental pollutants can all hamper your efforts to achieve glowing and healthy skin. If you want to rejuvenate your skin and look your luminous best, check out these top tips now:

brown bottle of skincare being dispensed into hand

Cleanse daily

Your skin is exposed to millions of germs, bacterium and pollutants every day, so cleansing is a critical part of your skincare regime. The right cleanser will gently remove these contaminants from your skin without being too harsh or drying. This reduces the risk of spots and pimples developing and helps to nurture a glowing and luminous complexion.

Stay hydrated

If your body is dehydrated, your skin won’t be as radiant as it could be. In fact, dehydrated skin is known to be dull and lacklustre. Fortunately, you can reverse this by adding moisture to your skin. Just take a look at this website to see how effective rehydration skincare products are. Using these and upping your daily water intake will have your skin looking luminous in no time.

Exfoliate regularly

Exfoliating your skin enables you to slough off dead skin cells and reveals a smoother, clearer surface. As exfoliation is one of the best ways to get luminous, radiant skin, you’ll want to make sure it’s a staple part of your skincare regime.

However, be wary of exfoliating too often or using products that are overly harsh. Face scrubs can generally be used two or three times a week but stronger options, like face peels, should be used less frequently.


Use nutrient-rich serums

Serums can be a great option for your skin. With so many options available, it’s easy to find formulas that suit your skin type and soothe problem areas, no matter how your skin happens to behave. By choosing nutrient-rich versions, you can increase luminosity too.

Scan the list of ingredients and look out for vitamin A, C or E. Additionally, keep an eye out for products that claim to ‘brighten’, ‘renew’ or ‘even out’ the skin tone. Providing they’re effective, these will help you to achieve the glowing complexion you’re after.

Add faux glow

If you want your skin to glow instantly, help is at hand. There are numerous makeup products designed to deliver an instant glow, so you won’t ever have to worry about having a dull or lacklustre complexion. Hyaluronic acid and glycerine draw moisture into the skin, which helps it to appear fuller and plumper, so look out for products containing these ingredients. Similarly, minerals that reflect the light will make your skin instantly radiant.

Get Glowing Skin for Good

If you want to enjoy a glowing complexion all the time, remember to eat right. While the products you use can transform your appearance, your diet has a major impact on the health of your skin. Foods with high amounts of antioxidants, such as berries and nuts, are great for making you look as good as you feel.

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.
