Our week of Chickenpox

At 7.30am on Monday morning I spotted what looked like a bite on Boo’s back by 7.45 there were another ten or so spots and by 9.30 the doctor had confirmed by worst fears – Boo had chickenpox!

I’d seen the sign on the nursery door the week before saying that there was a confirmed case of chickenpox but didn’t think much of it (or just wishfully ignored it!). Boo is booked for an operation in less than two weeks (more on that latter in the week) so my major concern was whether this would mean she wouldn’t be fit for surgery. With this in mind the GP along with the advice of the Microbiologist took the unusual decision to prescribe anti-viral medication to try and get her well enough in time for hospital.

a poorly sleeping boo

The peak was on Tuesday afternoon with over 102 spots and over 40 on her face alone!! She’s been such a trooper and as yet hasn’t scratched them which I think is down to (in some part) the amazing PoxClin – at £10.49 it’s rather expensive but worth every penny as it’s helped sooth Boo and she’s not fought having it put on!

Chickenpox is a classic childhood disease that we all thankfully live through but that still doesn’t help when you feel desperately helpless as your little girl looks at you confused and in pain.

She’s over the worst of it (fingers crossed I haven’t just jinxed it!) and will be back to her old self in no time at all – by no time at all I mean by Monday otherwise it’ll be anther day of paying for a nursery day we can’t use!

Chickenpox and click clack heels!

For the time being Boo is enjoying her new princess set complete with click clack heels and afternoons spent in Mummy’s bed having a Netflix session!
