Eating out is a past time that me and Boo do oh so well, and the summer holidays are no exception. However constant trips to restaurants throughout the school break can add up so it’s great to learn that kids eat free throughout the whole of August at Jamie’s Italian.… View Post

Birthdays are a big deal in our house, and Boo turning six was no exception – we start planning her birthday party back in January and this year Boo decided on a Superhero theme. Previous years have seen Giraffes, Princess and Pirates, Mermaids and Unicorns so I was excited to… View Post

Regardless of your reason for visiting London, this amazing place has got something to offer to everyone who visits. Be it history buffs who are looking to brush up their British narratives or art admirers, there are places like the Tower of London and National Gallery which can quench their… View Post

Lists, my whole life is made of lists: book a haircut, pick up some food shopping, buy school shoes –there’s lots and lots of things that I have to constantly remember to book and buy, and I’m continually spending money from the housekeeping budget on things that are hardly exciting.… View Post

What do you get the Boo who has everything? This is a twice yearly conundrum that I face with me choosing to expose her to experiences rather than gifts, that way she makes unforgettable memories and we don’t drown under a mountain of toys at home. Chessington World of Adventures… View Post