It’s no secret that I’m partial to a blow dry and my love affair with the salon chair seems to have rubbed off on Boo – and who can blame her: big bouncy hair is good for the soul. My mama recently celebrated her 60th birthday with a lovely evening… View Post

It’s hard to imagine five year old me being able to explain what a timely adverb is yet Boo as she nears the end of Year 1 can already with pride describe not only what a timely adverb is but reel off examples (firstly, lastly etc. in case you were… View Post

Boo is at tha age (and generation) where she loves YouTube – couple that with the fact that she’s five and obviously loves playing with the latest toys. Golden Bear’s latest toy brand Bush Baby World has been brought to life in an exciting new animated series full of adventures.… View Post

Greetings from Mummy and Boo HQ, I’ve had a great week of catching up with fiends aka wandering through the endless delights of Zara and the like and I’ve collated the very best of what I’ve spotted. First up is the M&S dress of the summer, designed to suit everyone… View Post

The Easter holidays saw me and Boo head to Cornwall for my best friends’ Ruth and Chris’ wedding – I make no secret that I’m a die hard city girl so I’d already joked that any further west and I’d be in New York and whether it would be easier… View Post