Why You Should Pursue Teaching as a Mom and How

apple on pile of books next to abc blocks and crayonsWhen you become a mom, it can be easy to feel as if your job comes secondary to your child, or that your experience as a mom is hindering your career. However, being a mom can help your work life and can give you the opportunities that you need to get the career of your dreams. Teaching is one of the best options for new moms, and here is why and how you should pursue it as a career.



What is the best route for moms to become teachers?


Many moms believe that they cannot become teachers due to the commitment that is needed to achieve the qualifications and experience that is necessary to get a career in education. However, there is an easy route into education for moms and that is taking an online degree. Becoming a mom can even be helpful in that respect as maternity leave can give you time to focus on rejuvenating and starting afresh with your career. Visit https://online.bankstreet.edu/ to find out more about the higher education programs that they offer to those seeking to become teachers or even leaders within the education field.


You might also consider getting into teaching as a mom by volunteering or working as a teaching assistant in your local, or your own child’s school. This will give you all the experience that you need, as well as insight into the way that schools are run without the stress and responsibility of becoming a fully-fledged teacher. This will allow you to build up your skills for the future and check that this is a career option that you are fully committed to.

Why is teaching the perfect career for moms?


Teaching is one of the best careers for moms as many of the skills that you develop as a parent are vital for educators to have. For instance, when you are a mom, you naturally learn compassion, empathy, and patience, which are all important for those who are interacting with children and students daily. You will also develop better communication and listening skills, as well as dedication, resilience and problem-solving. These are all skills that education employers often look for when they are recruiting.


Being a mom can also benefit your future career in teaching as there is no one better to teach children than someone who knows first-hand the mind of a child. As a mom, you will be able to witness the way that your child learns and how they perceive the world, as well as the best ways to teach and engage them when carrying out activities. This is all experience that you can then bring into the classroom.


As well as moms making the perfect teachers, teaching can also give moms the lifestyle that they want. For instance, your working hours are more likely to fit around childcare duties than an office job, and your workplace is likely to be more understanding of your parental commitments than other employers. Many of these institutions also have childcare facilities on-site.


Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.
